The good thing about getting to work at 7am? First pick of the Friday donuts.
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Supreme Court to Release Same-Day Audio Recordings of Oral Arguments on DOMA and Prop 8 |News | Towl
Can you imagine if they had done this during Brown v Board of Education? We’re living in the future, and yet we are still debating the same old segregation and bigotry as we did in the past.
March 20, 2013
Cowan Standard Time
You know how you sometimes get a song or something stuck in your head, and it just stays there forever and you can’t get rid of it and it just plays on and on and on and you think you’re going to go insane [more...]
February 2, 2006
RT @rationalists: BofA paid no…
RT @rationalists: BofA paid no corporate taxes in 2009 and 2010. Received $1 billion tax refund. Today, lays off 30,000 workers. Any que …
September 14, 2011