So now, can we save the bees? NYTimes: Scientists and Soldiers Solve a Bee Mystery
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First impression: Scott Wolf i…
First impression: Scott Wolf is probably the reason “V” has shut down production. Cute now, but not such a good actor & he’s not aging well.
November 3, 2009
Italy convicts 7 scientists of manslaughter for failing to predict killer earthquake – San Jose Merc
Italy. The country that gave us both Galileo and the men who threatened him for saying the planet moved around the sun. Some things never change.
October 22, 2012
Cybill: "Do you think we’…
Cybill: “Do you think we’ll ever fall head over heels in love?” Maryann: “No, I think the best we can hope for is heels over head.”
August 10, 2009