Dr. Who and the Daleks in my pants #moviesinmypants
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There are two underwriting credits in hot rotation on NPR lately which really annoy me. First is Merck, the pharmaceutical company. Their underwriting “commercial” plugs them as being supporters of the Merck [more...]
July 9, 2004
I’m tired of spam. I get tons at work. I get tons at home. My blog is constantly attacked by it. Hell, there’s even spam on my cell phone and satellite television is filled with questionable ads for weight [more...]
September 16, 2004
This has got to be a parody. Right?
The article on “Windows7News.com” — which sounds like a TV station website — is headlined “Why the iPad will fail and help Windows 7 to succeed.” The first thing under that headline [more...]
February 2, 2010