@wilw The Sound of Music in my pants #moviesinmypants
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In flew enza
People always want what they can’t have. It’s amazing to me how many people are now going nuts because the flu vaccine is in short supply. Obviously there are some members of the population who really need [more...]
October 16, 2004
Half Baked
I haven’t done any baking in a long time, so I figured Christmas was the right time to take it up again. Some time ago I came across the recipe for the famous Rum Buns, a staple of dining at Washington’s [more...]
December 9, 2004
In my head: Commute, November 17
Wannabeeeee It seems that every morning I get stuck behind some poky pickup truck with “CAUTION: STAY BACK” emblazoned across the back. We’re not talking about real trucks, mind you, nor even F-150s [more...]
November 17, 2009