Today I drove 100 miles on 70 miles worth of diesel. A Hannukah miracle!
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Could This Chart Explain Why You Don’t Get Much (If ANY) Vacation Time?
This is misleading in that, I assume, it is talking about national mandates. Most employers do offer paid annual leave (I’ve never not had paid annual leave except when I worked part time), paid maternity leave is [more...]
August 3, 2012
The NFL: Big Business With Big Tax Breaks
Worth remembering that the NFL has the cojones to be registered as a not-for-profit and gets tax breaks out the wahoo. And, like tax-payer subsidized oil companies, rolls in dough.
January 19, 2014
Rent-To-Own Computers Secretly Photographed Users, Logged Keystrokes | Threat Level |
And all they got was a “don’t do that anymore.”
September 26, 2012