Only one episode of Dirk Gently? The problem with BBC programs is there aren’t enough of them.
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It’s All About the Spammer
Took a quick look at my Twitter followers today and discovered a whole parade of extremely interesting personalities — computer generated, of course — littering the list. Here's a representative sample of the Twitter [more...]
June 28, 2012
I can see a tiny piece of the …
I can see a tiny piece of the moon chewed off… It’s starting!! Aaaaah! Run for your lives! Repent! The end is nigh! Buy bread, milk & TP!
December 20, 2010
RT @JamesUrbaniak: You bastard…
RT @JamesUrbaniak: You bastards! You built the Kodak Theater over Bob Hope’s grave! BUT YOU ONLY MOVED THE TOMBSTONE! #ghosts
February 27, 2011