About to venture into DC rush hour traffic for the first time in 5 years or so. God rest my soul.
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I always find the depressing parts
You know what sucks? When you have a rockin’ sweet convertible roadster, and the skies are cloudy and the rain is drizzling. ‘Cos there’s nothing more confining and stifling than a convertible with the [more...]
November 27, 2006
NYTimes: Offering Donors Secre…
NYTimes: Offering Donors Secrecy, and Going on Attack
October 12, 2010
Americans Are as Likely to Be Killed by Their Own Furniture as by Terrorism
Turns out that you are more likely to be crushed by your television than killed by al Qaeda. Seems to me that we need some kind of government-designed color coding system to determine the threat level of our big screens.
July 9, 2012