RT @peterdaou: HIDEOUS. 100 sponsors of GOP bill that lets a pregnant woman die if saving her kills fetus http://bit.ly/hBH4ts More: htt …
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Quantified Congestion
When people ask me why I abandoned Washington, DC, where I'd lived for my entire life, for San Jose, California... well, I respond with two words: Weather. Traffic.
January 20, 2011
The Modern Plague
By way of comment on the above cartoon, I present a snapshot I took from the new, remastered, Blu-Ray edition of Star Trek: The Next Generation. I weep for typography.
February 13, 2012
Stuck on the I-5 somewhere in …
Stuck on the I-5 somewhere in San Juaquin Valley, traffic stopped, some smoke up ahead, 109 degrees, no clue what is happening. Fun.
July 18, 2010