These jugs of “green” detergent with catcher spouts that keep you from using that last bit of liquid are ironically eco-unfriendly.
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Anyone else wish that Arizona …
Anyone else wish that Arizona Tea would sue the Arizona Tea Party for trademark infringement?
May 13, 2011
Technoyawn, Electrawoman
So, evidently, someone has hacked Paris Hilton’s T-Mobile Sidekick. I feel so out of touch after seeing this story, because: What’s so big about Paris Hilton? Isn’t she some stupid heiress who has [more...]
February 21, 2005
Daring Fireball Linked List: Android First?
What I find so amusing is that this pundit seems to think that hundreds of thousands of developers are wrong and he, one guy, is right. And he just can’t understand it.
February 12, 2013