All the goodwill BBC America got for running Dr Who same day? Squandered by delaying pt 2 of a 2 parter + mid-season finale. FAIL.
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NSA firing 90% of its sysadmins to eliminate potential Snowdens
This is just hilarious, and not in a good way. What kind of abject morons are leading our national security? By the way, getting rid of all your sysadmins is a good way to compromise your network security. IDIOTS.
August 10, 2013
11 “Modern Antiques” Today’s Kids Have Probably Never Seen – Mental Floss
I remember each and every one of these. How old am I?
April 17, 2012
Reagan’s back
You might remember way back when, the era when ketchup was declared a vegetable in school cafeterias. Yup, the glowing, sparkly Reagan era. Frankly, I yearn for that era after 4 years of Dubya at the helm. Well, it [more...]
June 16, 2004