Just As I Thought

A Real World Example

Headline #1:
A new strain of antibiotic-resistant E.Coli has left 18 dead in Europe

The GOP wants to cut funding to the USDA and the FDA

Headline #1:
A new strain of antibiotic-resistant E.Coli has left 18 dead in Europe

The GOP wants to cut funding to the USDA and the FDA

Under the Mountain Bunker puts it this way:

And the very serious GOP wants to cut funding to the USDA and the FDA. The invisible hand will take care of the need for testing — certainly corporate farms and dairy and meat processing plants don’t need MORE regulations when they’re testing as often as sporadically.

This situation actually would be like a Circle of Win for the GOP:

  1. Sporadic testing + funding cuts to regulatory agencies = even LESS testing and regulation
  2. Therefore, more people may contract the new Staph infection + many without medical insurance = deaths
  3. Dead people who couldn’t afford medical care probably weren’t working anyway, so + less federal / state spending on UI benefits and food stamps = more money for extending tax cuts to the corporate farms and processing plants!
  4. oh, and JOBS! Somehow.

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