The Tea Party Won’t Like This. Pass It On. #heckuvajobteaparty #teapartydowngrade via @moveon
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eHarmony CEO Neil Clark Warren Had to Hire Guards Because of ‘Angry Christian People’ Upset They Put
Funny – the evangelical Neil Clark Warren had to hire guards to protect himself against EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANS.
February 12, 2013
On one hand, this cheese is fu…
On one hand, this cheese is full of fat and calories. On the other hand, I may be too preoccupied with the Rapture to eat it later. Hmm.
May 20, 2011
Snow job
I am so very tired of local news having apoplectic fits over snow, and even more tired of their harping on road crews for not instantaneously clearing each and every dinky little side street. Reporters are always out [more...]
January 26, 2004