RT @LOLGOP: #compromise RT @smkeyes: Huge applause for Rick Perry’s A+ NRA rating from crowd at Liberty U. Never knew Jesus was a major …
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Of religion and idiocy
I’m sure this entry will result in a few nasty e-mails and comments, but hey — I call them like I see them. Religion has got to be the stupidest invention of all time. I could give hundreds — if not [more...]
February 1, 2004
Keep your head down
I just received a page from Arlington County, informing me that there will be military jets flying over the area, sometimes quite low, for the next couple of days. Actually, there have been jets flying over my house for [more...]
September 14, 2004
I was reading this story about a driving lesson gone wrong — a woman drove her SUV into a pool — and I began to imagine the horrors that could result were I to do the same thing. A hybrid car, with an array [more...]
July 2, 2004