When the little kids who are so obviously NOT from my middle class neighborhood show up, I give them 3x the candy. Is that class warfare?
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California whining
OK. ABC World News Tonight just reported on traffic congestion, and told of a woman in California whose 35 mile commute takes up to an hour and 15 minutes… gee, how sad. MY commute from one side of Washington, DC [more...]
January 16, 2003
Dear fellow drivers: I know th…
Dear fellow drivers: I know the dark, rainy skies are confusing, but PUT YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON. Love, Gene
October 3, 2011
Sodapop: 1.5¢ per ounce. …
Sodapop: 1.5¢ per ounce. Water: 3.5¢ per ounce. This world we live in is insane.
August 5, 2010