Yesterday: The North Avenue Irregulars. Today: The Andromeda Strain. My personal 1970s film festival is off to a great start.
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RT @markmorford: Online journa…
RT @markmorford: Online journalism a few years ago, vs. online journalism today.
February 25, 2011
While flipping channels tonight, I came across Britney Spears live from Miami in high definition. I lingered because what I saw mostly was muscular guys simulating sexual moves… I was uninterested in Britney [more...]
April 4, 2004
Virginia governor GOP candidate Ken Cuccinelli launches website that pushes for reinstatement of…
I can’t believe this guy is running “neck-in-neck” with his opponent, Terry McAuliffe. What in the hell is McAuliffe doing wrong, ‘cos this should be a slam dunk.
July 23, 2013