Video: The Monarchs have arrived in Pacific Grove!
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As I got home a firetruck turn…
As I got home a firetruck turned in. “Not my street!” “Not my house!” And it stopped in front of my house. Med issue across street I think.
April 13, 2010
Paul Ryan: All Pumped Up For His Closeup | LightBox |
I dunno… it’s great that he’s a workout freak, I guess, but I still get the feeling that Joe Biden could kick his ass.
October 11, 2012
GOP Rep Who Promised To Eradicate Homosexuality If He Were God Will Challenge Openly-Gay Tammy Baldwin
“If I was elected God for a day, homosexuality wouldn’t be permitted, but nobody’s electing me God.” Okay, wait – seems to me that what you’re saying is that the current “unelected” God has the [more...]
April 27, 2012