Perry and Santorum condemn Obama’s push to protect LGBT human rights
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Eh, my vote wouldn’t count anyway
I am going to admit it: I’ve now become one of those whining non-voters. The polls are open for another hour here in California, where we’re voting, in primary mode, for a governor; here in San Jose, the [more...]
June 6, 2006
Proud of myself
I was annoyed but not surprised when President Bush flipped off protestors last month while driving by in his bus. This morning, I returned the favor when I was driving across the Roosevelt Bridge into Washington and he [more...]
August 9, 2004
At least it wasn’t an education speech
Just saw this on the news… I hope she doesn’t decide to call herself “The Education Candidate.” And how ironic that in the computer capital of the nation, Silicon Valley, someone was too lazy to [more...]
May 31, 2007