“@LOLGOP: Many conservative Christians confuse free speech with the right to spew hate speech without getting hate in return.”
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The Long Darkness
It’s that day — the “shortest” day of the year. This morning I got up and went in to the office before the sun rose; when I came home in the late morning there was still no sun due to rain. And [more...]
December 21, 2006
The National Memo » Mitt Romney Heaves A ‘Hail Mary’ To Paul Ryan, Surrenders To The Far Right
What America needs is a really smug young guy explaining how retired people have it too good. (via @LOLGOP)
August 11, 2012
I used to know about this stuff.
Now that I have my new digital television tuner, I am becoming bewildered. This tuner has a FireWire connection, which networks it with my digital VCR, enabling me to record high definition programming. The thing is [more...]
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