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Won’t anybody think of the children?
At this year’s DC Shorts, we have had screenings at noon, at 3pm, 6pm, and 9pm. Of those four, which do you think that people brought kids to? Tonight’s 9pm show was the one where we screened the more adult [more...]
September 17, 2005
Big controversy, big money
Remember all the brouhaha about Target banning Salvation Army bell ringers from the front of its stores? Remember all the predictions of gloom and doom that ensued? It turns out that Salvation Army donations rose 7 [more...]
January 29, 2005
Ways to waste electricity
When I do my periodic cruise through blogs, I’m often struck by how detached I seem to be from mainstream culture, and here’s one reason why: even though I have the TV on for long periods of time, I still [more...]
April 22, 2006