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Cloak of immunity
I have decided: if I am ever subpoenaed for any reason, I’m simply going to claim executive privilege and refuse to show up. Period. No further explanation will be offered, for I am unitary and special and your [more...]
August 2, 2007
Operation Linguistic Deception
There’s been a bit of flap about yesterday’s story of how the government is engraving the names of military operations on tombstones at Arlington and other national cemeteries. Of course, I agree with most [more...]
August 25, 2005
Does this sound Talibanesque to you?
I don’t even know where to begin today. Here’s a story from the San Francisco Chronicle about a new DVD player about to arrive at Wal-Mart — it censors movies. “It’s another example of a [more...]
April 8, 2004