Truly, it is a war on our religious liberties and that violation of conscience that he would mandate that is un-American because it violates our First Amendment in our Constitution.
— Sarah Palin, Fox and Friends, February 15, 2012
Truly, it is a war on our religious liberties and that violation of conscience that he would mandate that is un-American because it violates our First Amendment in our Constitution.
— Sarah Palin, Fox and Friends, February 15, 2012
Yesterday, I heard on the news that the average price for a gallon of gas has risen to $3.30. But the problem with giving an “average” price is that this doesn’t adequately illustrate the highs and [more...]
A secretive right-wing group, Veterans For A Strong America, is attempting to do to President Obama what the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth did to Sen. John Kerry in 2004. And they aren’t shy about it.
A great line in Ellen Goodman’s column today about the flap over Karen Hughes’ comparison of pro-choice marchers to terrorists. I’m definitely gonna use this line in the future… but hopefully I [more...]