RT @LOLGOP: Which state is going to be the proudest to say, “We were the very LAST state to approve marriage equality”?
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Oh, hello there!
Far back, in the mists of ancient time, there existed a technology for sharing one’s thoughts, musings, memes, and other nonsense. You may have heard of it, if you’re over 40. The web log, or blog. The [more...]
April 12, 2023
A Guinness would be nice, tho
Since green is already the key color on my blog, I don’t see any reason to jazz it up or overlay a special holiday theme today. Deal with it.
March 17, 2005
Daily Kos: Fox News: Rising gas prices were bad. Now falling prices are bad. Both are Obama’s fault
Fox is really, really very amazing — they show clearly how the right wing is clearly insane and can hold two diametrically opposing views in their otherwise empty heads and believe both of them… but facts? Nope [more...]
May 11, 2012
RT @normative: BREAKING: Rick Santorum announces end of the most elaborate SEO effort ever.
RT @normative: BREAKING: Rick Santorum announces
end of the most elaborate SEO effort ever.
April 10, 2012