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Survivor: Baghdad
Good morning! Did you enjoy the first episode of the new reality series, “War in Iraq?” The Svengalis who control our president masterfully coordinated this one: give an ultimatum with a time limit, then sit [more...]
March 20, 2003
It was tax evasion that brought down Al Capone
You know all those big rules the Republicans keep breaking? Oh, like, the rules against torture and such? Well, maybe it will be the little ones that finally bring them down: What would be the purpose of an inaugural [more...]
January 29, 2005
For this I missed Sting?
While watching “The Ellen Degeneres Show” just now, I discovered that TiVo had recorded today’s Presidential news conference. The first few minutes were taken up by Mr. Bush rambling on, mumbling [more...]
December 15, 2003