RT @JoshuaHol: #Terrorism “Women’s Center In New Orleans Destroyed By Arson, Third Incident in the South” http://t.co/94CYg2HI
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Oh, hello there!
Far back, in the mists of ancient time, there existed a technology for sharing one’s thoughts, musings, memes, and other nonsense. You may have heard of it, if you’re over 40. The web log, or blog. The [more...]
April 12, 2023
Our destablized world and welcome to it
And now we see the wisdom of the “preemptive doctrine” of George Bush and the neo-cons: war in Afghanistan which is rapidly falling back into the hands of the Taliban. War in Iraq which has turned into a [more...]
October 11, 2006
No wonder he wants to make the tax cuts permanent
Now we see who benefits from the Bush tax cuts: Bush and first lady Laura W. Bush had income totaling $822,126, down 4 percent from the $856,058 they reported last year, according to tax forms released yesterday by the [more...]
April 14, 2004