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The Vast Wasteland
There are only two weeks left for this year’s run of Doctor Who, and there won’t be a full series next year — just a few specials. Torchwood will only have a 5-episode run next year. Lost is over until [more...]
June 21, 2008
@steven_moffat Did your tea ke…
@steven_moffat Did your tea kettle inspire the Silents? ‘Cos every time I leave the kitchen, I forget that it’s on the stove.
April 24, 2011
Poke my eardrums out
It’s day two of the fan. Yesterday, one of the fans in the Mac here in my office which runs our website started to whine. Loudly. Annoyingly. (I decided this morning that it sounds like a swarm of metallic cicadas [more...]
January 6, 2005