TOM THE DANCING BUG: Mitt Romney Repudiates President Roosevelt’s Fear of Syrup Shelves
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Critical condition
This is too funny not to post in its entirety. From Dana Milbank: Ever since the invasion of Iraq in 2003, the coming months have always been crucial and critical: “You only have about the next six months.” [more...]
November 30, 2005
Mon Dieu!
I just laughed and laughed at this one, and yet it shows just how ridiculous the Bush campaign is. Bush pal and Commerce Secretary Donald L. Evans recently said publicly what his colleagues have long been saying [more...]
March 23, 2004
Dick, Dykes, and Diapers
Mary Cheney gave birth to her first child, and I couldn’t be happier for her — because, of course, I think that it doesn’t matter whether you are gay or straight, as long as you are a good, loving [more...]
May 24, 2007