Sofa whose cracks organize things instead of swallowing them
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The Disneyland Story
So, I spent about an hour writing a really long blog entry, filled with complaints and observations about my trip to Disneyland this last weekend... and by the time I tried to save it, my blogging software had timed out [more...]
March 9, 2009
Love my toys
For no really good reason, I bought a wireless webcam last night. After struggling for more than an hour to decipher the manual and set it up (how do you Windows people ever manage? I’m so used to plugging [more...]
July 13, 2004
So cool, it’s hot
As promised, here’s the 48 Hour Film I worked on this weekend! [Real Player] [Quicktime 6] The pertinent competition requirements: our assigned genre was “Mockumentary.” We had to include the following [more...]
October 21, 2003