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Why do they call it common sense when it’s so obviously rare?
Most of my complaints on this blog revolve around items which, I think, make perfect sense if you have the brains a small slug was born with. Such things as, oh, not electing someone to run the world’s 6th largest [more...]
October 8, 2003
I used to know about this stuff.
Now that I have my new digital television tuner, I am becoming bewildered. This tuner has a FireWire connection, which networks it with my digital VCR, enabling me to record high definition programming. The thing is [more...]
December 10, 2002
This is why I’m irritable in the morning
When my clock radio turns on at 6:20am, there is invariably a story about the Iraq war or the Middle East on “Morning Edition.” At the bottom of the hour, the news begins and it usually starts off with a [more...]
March 27, 2008