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Seeing the light
Well, that was a miscalculation — I bought a bunch of LED lights this year, figuring that I’d be a bit green and not use so much electricity lighting my Christmas tree. Big mistake. The LED lights give a [more...]
November 26, 2006
Why I’m not a model
You know how women generally are pissed off that the media — magazines, television, movies, and advertisers — promote an unhealthy, unrealistic standard of beauty? Well, just try being gay some time. In the [more...]
September 30, 2005
Available wherever Paramount videos are sold
My first season Deep Space Nine DVD set arrived in the mail today, and as it’s another winter storm warning here in DC, I’m snuggled on the sofa watching it. I am sorry to say that this set suffers from the [more...]
February 26, 2003