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Yahoo will be writing utility checks to Google one day
Part of the Republican mantra is that government shouldn’t be empowered to do anything, it should be left to private corporations. This, of course, is often a bad idea since corporations are there to enrich [more...]
November 27, 2007
Liberal media my foot
I’m glad someone else is noticing the way the press – which was all over Clinton like white on rice – is giving Bush a pass when it comes to delving into the past. From Dan Gillmor’s weblog on [more...]
March 8, 2003
Experience is in the eye of the beholder
Every single ever-lovin’ day, I hear some ridiculous hypocritical comment coming from the Bush campaign. Today? They say that John Edwards lacks foreign policy experience. Um, let’s see. 4 years ago, George [more...]
July 6, 2004