The bailout has been fully repaid and taxpayers profited by $22B.
The bailout has been fully repaid and taxpayers profited by $22B.
Read this brief piece from today’s Washington Post: Sunday, October 5, 2003; Page A22 Lawmaker Links Woes To Muslims’ Proximity CHARLOTTE — Rep. Cass Ballenger (R-N.C.) blames the breakup of his 50 [more...]
pa•tri•ot n. One who loves, supports, and defends one’s country. French patriote, from Old French, compatriot, from Late Latin patrita, from Greek patrits, from patrios, of one’s fathers, from [more...]
There’s a story on the front of that is so terribly, misleadingly titled “Bush Joins Recovery Efforts.” First off, it’s about time he joined the effort — a week after the [more...]