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Winging it
I spent a little bit of time today looking at travel possibilities — got my passport photos (cripes, they look terrible) and visited a bit with a travel agent and some websites. The prices crept up even as I [more...]
February 13, 2004
Will and Grace and Jack and Karen and a 2-second delay
Variety reports that “Will and Grace” will kick off the final season with an episode broadcast live — with two performances, one for the east and one for the west. News of the live seg comes just days [more...]
July 22, 2005
That’s a spicy onion
The Onion’s special war coverage has been published… some of my favorite blurbs: Vital Info On Iraqi Chemical Weapons Provided By U.S. Company That Made Them BALTIMORE—The Pentagon has obtained vital [more...]
March 26, 2003