Gosh, which profession is the #1 for psychopaths? See if you can guess. Then realize how many stories i have NOT told you in the last five years working for Silicon Valley founder-run companies.
Gosh, which profession is the #1 for psychopaths? See if you can guess. Then realize how many stories i have NOT told you in the last five years working for Silicon Valley founder-run companies.
Whoa – Dan O’Bannon has died. ::sigh:: Yeah, he did a bunch of high-profile stuff… but Dark Star was my favorite.
As I sit here refreshing websites to see what Mac announcements are being made 40 miles away in San Francisco, I can’t help wondering — as the Alito confirmation hearings are going on back in DC, are there [more...]
Seems to me that this is tacit admission that they are doing something illegal – or are at least thinking about doing it.