An old enemy, the new companion and more. Images taken from the new episodes of #DoctorWho (via @bbcdoctorwho)
An old enemy, the new companion and more. Images taken from the new episodes of #DoctorWho (via @bbcdoctorwho)
“This week, Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter predicted that the cost of providing health care to his employees will result in a 14-cent hike on pizza prices. It’s a wake-up call Americans will finally pay attention [more...]
Since green is already the key color on my blog, I don’t see any reason to jazz it up or overlay a special holiday theme today. Deal with it.
When I do my periodic cruise through blogs, I’m often struck by how detached I seem to be from mainstream culture, and here’s one reason why: even though I have the TV on for long periods of time, I still [more...]