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Getting darker
Every day I think we’re slipping further into a new dark age, mostly when I read the new outrages from the Bush administration. But that’s on top of the dumbing down of our society and the lack of [more...]
August 25, 2004
Much ado about nothing
Over the years, I have truly come to hate “Seinfeld.” Sadly, I think the reason for my annoyance at this show is the hype that accompanied it. Too often, hype has ruined my opinion of something. For [more...]
August 8, 2004
Land of the free, home of the stupid
It seems that more and more often, when I read the news, I’m convinced that we live in a country absolutely chock full of morons who can’t seem to be bothered with cognitive thought; who can’t project [more...]
September 13, 2008