DC Shorts is a finalist for the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Mayor’s Arts Award for Outstanding Service to the Arts. Click to reserve tickets for this free event.
DC Shorts is a finalist for the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities Mayor’s Arts Award for Outstanding Service to the Arts. Click to reserve tickets for this free event.
@steven_moffat Did your tea kettle inspire the Silents? ‘Cos every time I leave the kitchen, I forget that it’s on the stove.
Watchin’ a bit of TV on Sunday evening, and had a few comments – what else is new, eh? Saw a commercial for Bank of America, where a woman ducks her head into a barbershop and asks, “Is there a Bank of [more...]
Only 2 checkouts open at Safeway. Lines so long that one guy at the end bribed the guy in front to pay for his stuff.