Mitt Romney is coming across as an out-of-touch rich person in a country that still has a Queen. (via @BorowitzReport) July 27, 2012
Mitt Romney declares himself ‘a guy from Great Britain’ after Olympics gaffe – Telegraph July 27, 2012
Romney’s arrival in London reported as “charm offensive more offensive than charming.” Devastating piece: (via @rkref) July 26, 2012
Steven Moffat recalls Mary Tamm’s first appearance as Romana “The Time Lady who thought the Doctor was HER companion.” July 26, 2012
Last I heard, Romney was a private citizen, not an official. Why is he meeting with heads of state and intelligence services in Europe? July 26, 2012
General Annoyances Cockpit Chronicles: DC-3 Flight Over Manhattan Celebrates Mechanic’s 70 Years July 26, 2012