Why’s Mitt so embarrassed of what happened from 1999-2001 at Bain? It’s not like they tried to give anyone health care. (via @LOLGOP) July 12, 2012
The car in front of me has the stereo so loud, his brake lights are dimming with the beat. July 11, 2012
Top stories on NBC Nightly News tonight: hottest year ever recorded. Not a single mention of climate change. #headsinthesand July 9, 2012
VIDEO: Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-OH) on health care law: Congress should vote every day to repeal July 9, 2012
RT @noamscheiber: George Will’s one-word explanation for why the top 10 hottest yrs on record have all occurred since 1997: “summer.” Just disgraceful. July 8, 2012
“Why did Katie Holmes stay with Tom Cruise?” asks country who reelected George W. Bush. (via @LOLGOP) July 8, 2012