If there’s not a Dr Who Google Doodle on November 23, 2013, I’m gonna… well, switch to Bing, I suppose. May 18, 2012
RT @RBReich: In 70s, US economy shifted from goods to services. In 90s from services to ideas. With FB’s IPO, from ideas to smoke & mirrors. May 18, 2012
RT @LOLGOP: DEFINITIVE SENTENCE OF THE 2012 PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN: “Romney’s remarks make little sense.” http://t.co/1EeKMIX1 May 18, 2012
RT @StopBeck: Actual Fox News screenshot. Hope someone at Fox understands irony, so they can appreciate this May 17, 2012
The defining quote of a presidential campaign, by Mitt Romney: “I stand by what I said, whatever it was.” May 17, 2012