Single Mother Bristol Palin Tells Obama Same-Sex Marriage is Wrong Because Kids Need a Mom and Dad May 10, 2012
RT @Richie_Jackson: When President Obama was born his parent’s marriage was illegal in 22 states. #marriageequality May 10, 2012
RT @KagroX: This may be one of the single worst points in history to be outed as a gay-bashing bully. May 10, 2012
Tea Party Activist Declares Democratic Senator Claire McCaskill “An Evil Monster We Have To Kill” May 9, 2012
Gay Republican Group Calls Obama Endorsement of Same-Sex Marriage ‘Offensive and Callous’ May 9, 2012
Don’t get me wrong — Obama’s evolution is appreciated & I’m thrilled we’re going into the election with a principled stand for equality. May 9, 2012
RT @LOLGOP: Just so you know: Marriage equality is the opposite of Sharia Law. So now we see we people stand. May 9, 2012