This is what it would look like if all the water on this planet was gathered up into one drop. And there isn’t any more being made, folks.
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Our own terrorists
In 2001, when a jet careened over my neighborhood and smashed into the Pentagon a mile or so away, I knew it signaled a change in the world — and in DC, it resulted in the battening down of every hatch, the [more...]
October 11, 2007
All revved up and nowhere to go
Since yesterday, 8 blocks of Constitution Avenue along the Mall in D.C. has been closed because of a strange man who drove a tractor into the Constitution Gardens pond. Although there was no mention of it when the drama [more...]
March 18, 2003
I’m someone’s cup of tea
Perhaps I spoke too soon this morning with my long, lonely rant.
When I got home today, I discovered a beautiful, hand-made valentine from my beautiful friend Sara. I suddenly feel a bit better. And loved.
View Valentine
February 12, 2004