Just heard Laurie Anderson’s “O Superman” used in a commercial for a mobile phone. I don’t know how to feel about this. April 26, 2012
True story: for almost a year I’ve been laboring under the misconception that I was a year older than I really am. #mathishard April 26, 2012
Yay! Several kids screeching at the top of their lungs on this overbooked flight! Woo hoo! #wistfulforthedaysofclassyairtravel April 26, 2012
Remember when airports had clocks on all the signs? Better have a watch these days. Why did they remove them? April 26, 2012
I just can’t fathom that the little ridiculed company I loved in the 1980s is now sucking in all the money in the world. April 24, 2012