So unused to thunder after 6 years in California that I assumed it was an earthquake coming through. April 12, 2012
RT @BorowitzReport: BREAKING: Charles Manson was denied parole, effectively ending his bid for the Republican presidential nomination. April 11, 2012
RT @BorowitzReport: I felt safer when Santorum was in the race because he was being monitored. April 10, 2012
RT @normative: BREAKING: Rick Santorum announces end of the most elaborate SEO effort ever. April 10, 2012
RT @LOLGOP: Why does getting help from a church not breed dependence? Because you can’t count on a church? April 10, 2012
RT @markmorford: Homophobes Might Be Secretly Attracted To People Of The Same Sex, says study that surprises no one April 9, 2012