RT @chrisdonovannbc: Russert: How should we remember you? Give me the epitaph. / Mike Wallace: Tough but fair. April 8, 2012
The party that’s nominating multiple-mansion Romney complained in 2008 that Obama owns 1 million-dollar mansion in Chicago. April 7, 2012
RT @TheDailyEdge: Study: Many GOP Voters Unaware of Basic Facts About Candidates, While Many GOP Candidates Unaware of Basic Facts April 6, 2012
RT @JohnFugelsang: Good Friday is when pro-death penalty Christians mark the execution of anti-death penalty Jesus; and it’s all irony-free. April 6, 2012
RT @RobertaSaidThat: “Maybe we should stop doing that.” <--Scalia's response to "We provide emergency care for the uninsured now." #ACA April 6, 2012
This wins everything. MT @QMxInsider: @grantimahara, a puppy, a Sonic Screwdriver and a TARDIS. Enjoy ;-) http://t.co/bgia7lNW April 6, 2012
RT @someToast: Santorum’s staying in the race. He has faith he’ll be President, which trumps trivialities like “reality” and “mathematic … April 5, 2012
Romney thinks government is too big? Simple solution: abolish TSA and Dept of “Homeland” (Achtung!) Security. April 4, 2012
RT @Eclectablog: An astonishing act of Republican dickishness: http://t.co/lkbuIl1a #p2 #newhampshire April 4, 2012
RT @RealNichelle: Taken 2/29/12 in the Oval Office – Live Long & Prosper! http://t.co/NUHS5Zjb April 3, 2012