Just As I Thought

I love Molly Ivins

And here’s a good example why.

And here’s a good example why:

When Bush was running for the presidency in 2000, the feds released their annual report on hunger in America, and Texas was once again in its perennial spot at the top of the list, No. 1 in Hunger.

Bush thought it was some dastardly scheme by the Clinton administration to make Texas, and hence Bush, look bad. He said, “You’d think the governor would know if there are pockets of hunger in Texas.”

Yeah, you would. But look on the bright side: So he didn’t know there’s hunger in Texas after several years in office; after only two years in Washington, he’s discovered the problem.

She goes on to enumerate the real life consequences of the Bush administration budget cuts, then quotes a story about Ethiopian orphans.

If you can only save one orphan or help one homeless kid or feed one hungry family once — well, that’s something, isn’t it?

Read the entire column here, and resolve to make the world better in 2003. Happy new year!

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