Just As I Thought

You knew there’d be a Bush item today

Boy, I can fill up this blog just with the Washington Post, can’t I?
Post Ombudsman Michael Getler today writes about the President’s unwillingness to hold press conferences, answer questions, or speak to reporters. Bush has not held a solo news conference since November 7. He allowed 3 questions during a short photo op with Tony Blair on Friday.

Including appearances with foreign leaders, Bush has held far fewer news conferences (39) in his first two years than did President Clinton (84) and the first President Bush (70), according to a new study of presidential news conferences by Martha Joynt Kumar of Towson University. But he has been more available in this forum than was President Nixon and about as available as Presidents Ford and Carter.

We all remember what successful presidents Ford and Carter were.
One of the most disturbing traits of this administration is it’s secrecy. Under the banner of executive power, it has sought to keep itself under a cloak of secrecy which puts it right up there with some of the greatest dictatorships ever known.

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