Just As I Thought

If you’re going to harass people, get your facts right

I was searching today for information on Rosedale, the estate in upper northwest Washington where my office used to be located. It was recently sold, and I was curious what had been happening.
A few years ago when Elian Gonzalez was in the news, he stayed there on the estate just outside my office window for a month. Today, I discovered a old “Liberty for Elian” web page that was asking people to protest this move, and gave this information:

Elianhas been recently moved to Rosedale Farm in a Cleveland Park neighborhood of northwest Washington. (Maryland’s Eastern Shore) Here is the address and telephone # to his location:

Rosedale Farm
9882 Miner Road
North Rose, NY 14516
Tel: (315) 587-4246

These morons need some geography lessons. Northwest Washington is not anywhere near Maryland’s Eastern Shore. And how they missed the obvious – the Rosedale Farm they picked off the net is in New York, which is nowhere near Northwest Washington. And Rosedale in DC is not a farm.


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