Just As I Thought

Theology is opinion

An excellent, rational letter to the editor in today’s Washington Post:

Friday, August 1, 2003; Page A18

The Rt. Rev. Gethin B. Hughes, as quoted by George F. Will [op-ed, July 31], says, “I am tired of people asking, ‘What is your opinion?’ Will observes, “What matters is theology, not opinion.”

All theology is opinion, either your own or from studying previous opinions. There are no proofs for anything religious, only beliefs — strongly held opinions.


Richardson, Tex.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

May I also point out, on the subject of opinion, that polling data simply should not be used to make decisions on such things as civil rights. Just because 60% of Americans say that gay couple should not be allowed to marry doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t be allowed. I think that you’ll find a statistically significant number of people also oppose marriage between persons of different races. Public opinion has no bearing on what is fair or what is right. And religion certainly shouldn’t, either.


  • There’s a big differences between people of two different (so-called) “races” getting married, and between two people of the same sex getting married. If nature did not mean for there to be sexual intercourse and generation between individuals of two different “races,” nature would not have provided the male of one “race” and the female of another with compatible sexual parts and with the ability to bear children through sex. On the other hand, members of the same sex do not have compatible sexual parts, and do not have the ability to produce children together by natural means. If everyone in the world decided to be gay, the human species would not have survived. Therefore, no matter which way you look at it, homosexuality just cannot be natural or normal.

  • Another no-nothing who won’t post his contact information for rebuttal, and argues with extremely flawed logic.

    First off, I laugh hysterically at people who refer to “nature” as a anthropromorphic entity. They’ve been watching too many commercials for margarine. And this continuing screed about how “nature” is so important is wearing on me.

    If nature had meant for people of different races to procreate, why were they placed so far away from each other? See? That’s the same kind of silly argument, easily defeated.

    If everyone in the world decided to be gay, the species wouldn’t survive. DUH. But that supposition is flawed because, for the most part, people do not DECIDE to be gay. Did you ever stop to think that, as we overpopulate this world, that nature is introducing some DNA or other mutations that cause homosexual traits?

    Homosexuality IS natural. Period. While the mechanism that causes it is unknown, it IS an inborn trait. I certainly did not choose to be gay, and with all the hatred and discrimination swirling around, if I had the choice, I probably wouldn’t want to be gay. It’s as natural as blue eyes or red hair. Speaking of which, it is NOT normal – you’re right there. It is an abberation from the norm, just as blue eyes or red hair are. Again, it’s still natural. There was no intervention by man or machine to make it happen. There have been homosexual people since at least the beginnings of recorded history, and homosexuality is seen throughout all species in the animal kingdom. I’m certain that they didn’t consciously choose to be that way.

    The problem with ridiculous comments like this is that I could spend all day refuting it with only an average level of intelligence. Instead, I guess I should just let it stand as a monument to the many invalid and unfounded arguments out there.

  • The pot calls the kettle black. Rational debate? Logical discussion? There’s hardly any logic in your comment at all – it’s based entirely on a flawed premise.
    You create this framework where everything hangs on “nature,” as if there is a “plan” created by a mystical Mother Nature in white robes. You assume that the sole purpose of marriage is to have children, and because homosexuals cannot have children together, they are not natural and should not be allowed to marry. This bowing to belief and opinion rather than fact just burns me up. That sort of thing is fine for an individual, but you simply can’t force your beliefs upon others.
    Marriage is not a contract that nature created. Human beings created it. If marriage is only for the purpose of procreation, there are an awful lot of heterosexual people out there who should not be allowed to marry – they’re not having children.
    As for personal attacks – well, I didn’t point my finger at you and call you unnatural and abnormal, did I?

  • First of all, I’m a SHE–a young woman. When I first stumbled across your blog, I mistook you for an intelligent person; however, as soon as I read this comment in the first line of our post–“Another no-nothing who won’t post his contact information for rebuttal, and argues with extremely flawed logic”–then I realized you lacked the ability to debate rationally, and didn’t bother to read the rest of your post. Personal attacks have no place in a logical discussion. Mature people don’t get upset and call names when someone disagrees with their opinion. Grow up.

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