Just As I Thought

Maybe she thinks they serve champagne

I’m watching “Airline” right now. Man, is there anything more fun than watching classless people whine, complain, and bitch at customer service personnel when their travel plans are messed up — especially when they themselves are at fault?
I just saw a scene where a woman named Bianca is complaining about her flight being cancelled. At first, she was making perfect sense:

You work for a full year, you work your ass off, and you’re missing one extra day of vacation. That’s a big deal.

Then she ruined it by saying:

Thank God I’m not middle class, but, you know, I can’t imagine if I was.

Honey, get over yourself. Upper class people do not fly on cheapo Southwest Airlines, mkay?
Later in the show, she’s back again, this time using BLEEP language and yelling at the BLEEP employees. She says:

I really don’t care at this point. Thank God I own my own [business], therefore I can take holiday whenever I want, I just can’t imagine for a middle class worker, what they would do.

I couldn’t quite tell what the bracketed word was, she was slurring a bit. Anyway, what is this bitches’ problem with the “middle class”? She’s pretty full of herself, this self-employed “upper class” harpy who’s flying the $99 airline. Maybe she should fork out a few more of those upper class bucks, stop complaining, and go down to another airline to get a flight.


  • As a “middle class” worker I can plainly state the only thing that would ruin my vacation is having to listen to this whiny bitch. The airline should have just cancled her ticket…Sorry mamm, you whine too much, fly another airline….Next!

  • Yikes, it’s sort of like an episode from a while back where a woman was complaining about her lost luggage (okay, fine), but kept mentioning how expensive the actual bag was. I mean, come on.

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