Just As I Thought

C’mon, get happy

I think it’s patently obvious to anyone who reads this blog that I am not what you would call a happy person. I could make an enormous list of reasons why, but in the end would that be a truthful exploration of unhappiness? Or is happiness something that is completely separate from external influences like money, property, career, love?
So, what is the key to happiness? Where does it come from? And how would you recognize it if it came your way?


  • I think the Key to Happiness is a $2000 engraved hunk of metal. Maybe Mayor Williams will give you one grin

  • I think I’m a disgustingly happy person. I think it has something to do with knitting and yoga. And possibly cheese.

  • Happiness is being comfortable with who you are, and enjoying the passage of time.

    “Or is happiness something that is completely separate from external influences like money, property, career, love?”

    This is a much harder question to answer because the truthful answer is yes…and no.
    Those things are often times parts to a jig saw puzzle that help to create happiness but each one by itself not so much.

    I find happiness in friendship and companionship (caring and sharing) As I get older I find material things less and less important. Yes I still want a nice house and a fast car but my happiness isn’t dependent on them. I can be happy with or without them.
    Ten years ago I adjusted my thinking I took stock of who I was and what I was doing and decided to make a big change. I walked away from a 86k a year job.

    My mantra

    Do less
    Get by with less
    And enjoy more

    It was the most profound change one could imagine. I moved to the ocean shore and opened a Photography studio. And while I’m a classic “starving artist” my happiness index went through the roof. I’ll never go back….Life is now too much fun.

    Oh… And like Mac…Lots of Cheese helps!

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